Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review The Kindling by: Braden Bell

Title: The Kindling
Author: Braden Bell
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Pages: 304
Series: Middle School Magic #1
Format: ebook
Source: Book Tour


All thirteen-year-old Connor Dell wants to do is pass pre-algebra, play lacrosse, and possibly kiss Melanie Stephens, but when a run-in with the school bully ignites strange powers inside him, Connor's normal teenage life goes up in flames. 

Now he'll need his new powers to defeat the Darkness that's coming for him. Fast-paced and original, this book's guaranteed to keep you guessing!

My Thoughts: 

What an incredible story of Connor, his sister Lexa and their friend Melanie.  When strange things are happening around town the three kids quickly find out what is going they are kindling and becoming Magi a group of people who are light and fighting evil forces.

I found this to be up there with Harry Potter type books on a different level the school isn't magi the teachers and three kids are magi.  Which is a spin on most magical based stories.  It was very action and adventure are rolled together!  I enjoyed the ride and can't wait to read the next one!
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