Bloggers Who Do Reviews
by Linda O. Johnston
First of all, let me say how much I appreciate bloggers who do reviews. Sure, I wish they all completely adored each of my books that they reviewed and only said nice things about them. Fortunately, I mostly do receive favorable reviews, but certainly not all the time. And even favorable reviews often contain criticism.
That's the nature of honest reviews. They're supposed to convey what the reviewer actually thinks of the book being reviewed. And it's impossible for any author to write such wonderful stuff all the time that everyone who reviews her stories loves every aspect of it.
Everyone has different tastes, and that includes readers and reviewers.

Are any paid to do this? None that I know of.
No, these wonderful people read possibly hundreds of books each year. They sometimes get access to the books they review without paying for them--but then they provide reviews with no compensation.

Why do they do it? I assume it's because they enjoy reading, and also enjoy letting others know what they did or didn't like about a particular book. We authors don't pay them, and neither do the publishers.
But we authors are definitely appreciative, and I suspect our publishers are, too.
So right here, let me thank Paula Ratcliffe, from Community Bookstop. She has sometimes reviewed my books on my Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.
And here's my review of Community Bookstop: It's a wonderful, honest, enjoyable blog!
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 44 published novels, including Unlucky Charms, the third Superstition Mystery that that premiered in October from Midnight Ink. She additionally writes the Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries for Midnight Ink. The second, To Catch a Treat, was a May 2016 release. She also wrote the Pet Rescue Mysteries from Berkley Prime Crime which were a spinoff from Linda’s Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter Mysteries. Linda additionally writes for Harlequin Romantic Suspense and Harlequin Nocturne. Visit Linda at, friend her on Facebook. She also blogs each Wednesday at and on the 18th of each month at Killer Characters.
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