Guest Post by: Edith Maxwell
People sometimes ask me why I write fiction, and one of my answers is always, “Because I can’t not.” But one of the most important reasons is to delight readers. I absolutely love when fans tell me they fell into my story and stayed there, staying up too late, turning pages, until they finished reading the book. I fist pump and say, “Yes!” One woman wrote to say she brought one of my books along for a hospital stay, and it was the only thing that got her through the days of treatment. Another said she was buying the book for a friend, who needed a spot of entertaining reading to cheer her up.
Readers liking the book enough to go one step further and post a positive review makes me even happier. They are spreading the word to potential new fans, and also helping the author with those mysterious Amazon things called ranking and sharing algorithms. Of course I love to receive a positive review from book bloggers and reviewers for publications like Library Journal and Mystery Scene, too, and those have wider visibility. So, thank you, readers and reader/reviewers! I couldn’t do it without you.
Agatha-nominated and bestselling author Edith Maxwell writes the historical Quaker Midwife Mysteries, the Local Foods Mysteries, and the Country Store Mysteries (as Maddie Day), as well as award-winning short crime fiction. Each series releases a new book in spring, 2017: When the Grits Hit the Fan is a Country Store mystery (March); Called to Justice is the next Quaker Midwife mystery (April); and Mulch Ado About Murder is the fifth Local Foods mystery (May).
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