As everyone knows I run the blogging buddies. Well i collected names from the last time I ran it and recently I sat down with Gina @Gina's Library and ask her some questions so everyone here can learn more about her. Gina has been running her site for almost two years. When she isn't book blogging she is raising her daughter who will graduate high school this year. So without further adiu here come the questions and answers:
What Type of Books Do You Read?
How did you come to do a book blog
I saw a very good friend of mine mention having to read a book for review. I asked her what she meant and we discussed reviewing books for other people. The rest is history.
What is your favorite part of running a blog?
Sharing my love of books with other people. I think it's interesting to share my views on a book and see how other people.
Random Questions:
Coffee or Tea?
Iced Tea
Ebook or Physical Book?
Kindle or Nook?
I have a kindle currently. I want the nook simple touch with glo light though.
Favorite Color?
Purple or sky blue pink *the color of the sky before the sunset when one half of the sky is blue, one half is pink
Favorite Food?
If you could meet a character from a book who would it be?
Stephanie Plum, I'd love to see how much of a hot mess her life really is.
What is you next book to read or are currently reading?
The Girl on the Stairs--It's about the JFK Conspiracy
Thank you for taking the time to sit with me and sharing things about yourself and helping the world to get to know you better feel free to check out her blog! Check back with us for the next round of Blogging Buddies to see if you can get picked to promote your blog and share things about yourself.
Gina's Blog: Gina's Library
Sign up below to get your chance to be promoted.
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