Saturday, January 22, 2011

Buying Book Ban

This was brought up by Lady Violet and I feel the need to jump in on this one, as the cost of e-books and regular physical books can easily add up to $100. before you know it.  While I have authors I still love I have so many in my tbr pile it's ridiculous.  So I am going to try not to spend any money in February in the hopes that I can read books I have like oh The Hunger Games still,...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bouncing Around The Blogs #8

Bounce Around The Blogs Bouncing Around The Blogs is something I am creating for another Blog Hop. While most of them are really huge I'm hoping to make this one hop to just as much so feel free to check it out and sign in with the mister linky.The rules are simple and fun for all: 1....
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Kindle Books #1

While it is snowing like no tomorrow outside I am spending my time adding to my kindle collection. So I thought I'd share with everyone the books I got: Need by: Carrie Jones Kindle Format Zara White suspects there's a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She's also obsessed with phobias. And it's...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

City of Ashes by: Cassandra Clare Review

As readers of series starter City of Bones already know, teenager Clary Fray is a Shadowhunter, a demon slayer who has the gift of spotting Downworlder werewolves, vampires, and faeries. She is also an adolescent in an abnormally dysfunctional family: Her mom is in a magically induced coma...
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The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan Review

Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school...again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of...
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New World Order Type Books

Now I know authors are branching out and doing the New World Order type books. Matched is a good example so isn't The Hunger Games. My question is, is that the era we are walking into where these books are what sells?  I still look for a good story line, whether it be action, romance or otherwise.  But I am wondering if the reason they do so well is the whole Society tells you what to do,...

It's Monday what are you reading? #12

It's Monday What are you Reading? Is a weekly bookish meme where we get together to share what books we've read in the past week, what books we're currently reading and what new books we're planning on reading in the coming week along with any reviews or interesting posts. It's hosted by Sheila...
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011