Riley Bloom left her sister, Ever, in the world of the living and crossed the bridge into the afterlife—a place called Here, where time is always Now. Riley and her dog, Buttercup, have been reunited with her parents and are just settling into a nice, relaxing death when she's summoned before The Council. They let her in on a secret—the afterlife isn't just an eternity of leisure; Riley has to work. She's been assigned a job, Soul Catcher, and a teacher, Bodhi, a curious boy she can't quite figure out.
Riley, Bodhi, and Buttercup return to earth for her first assignment, a Radiant Boy who's been haunting a castle in England for centuries. Many Soul Catchers have tried to get him to cross the bridge and failed. But he's never met Riley...
My Review:
While when we first get a glimpse of Riley she is haunting her sister Ever in Evermore. Atleast for me I tend to feel sad for her younger sister who seems stuck as if she can't move on. It might just be the fear of doing something without her sister. Prior to going off to "school" Riley is still being a kind of pain annoying teenager. Riley spent so much time driving Ever nuts that she never found her nitch in life. What she had of a life anyway. We see how much pain Riley is in. How she felt her life was cut short. We also found out what she was good at. I really enjoyed this story, as the main character isn't alive and running around she's dead and suffering in some ways at that. I like how Riley found something deep inside her that helped her shine through. That she kept herself in check even when she was scared out of her whits. Definitely a book I would let my daughters read when they get older. A big time 5 cup book! And on a side note I love the cover art it's so beautiful!
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