What stops me from reading a certain book is if they have lost the flair that drew me initially. If the language gets too out of hand or they writing diminishes. I can't stick with an author no matter how much I like them if it feels too much like homework and I'm dragging through with no amount of caffeine to keep me going. That is when a book has lost it's edge. What stops you?
3 shout outs:
Very true, though I'm having trouble expressing just what it is that causes a book to have lost its edge.
there is this theory you read a book of a series or otherwise and you don't like the direction they head in, or they kill a main character you liked or they lost their flare the book feels almost forced written
Good writing is not boring, and peaks your interest, throughout the book.
Bad writing is when a book doesn't have substance & doesn't appeal to the reader in many ways.
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