Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Review: Deep in Death by: Colleen Helme

Title: Deep in Death
Author: Colleen Helme
Pages: 279
Format: ebook
Source: Great Escapes Book Tour


Running “errands” for her mob-boss employer, Joey “The Knife” Manetto, often ends with Shelby in trouble, making her cautious about continuing her association with him. Instead, she focuses on a new client who hires Shelby to find her missing mother. What seems like a routine case turns into something more sinister and deadly than she ever imagined.

In the meantime, Uncle Joey has summoned Shelby to his office, where she runs into her former nemesis. Shelby inadvertently hears something that makes her fear for the lives of Uncle Joey and his hit-man, Ramos. This time, Uncle Joey is not sure he wants to involve Shelby in something he knows could get her killed. Keeping Shelby’s involvement to a minimum has disastrous results, sending Shelby on a dangerous path. As her investigation unfolds, Shelby finds death at every turn, and soon realizes she is in over her head. Can she escape from danger in time? Or will she find herself deep in death?

My Thoughts:

This series is great it follows the life of Shelby Nichols and the people she uses her premonition power on and helping them to solve crimes and weed out the bad guys.  In this book Shelby is helping Tiffany Shaw who is about to be married and wants to find out what happened to her mom years ago.

Also it seems Uncle Joey is having issues and needs Shelby to help him figure out who's trying to kill him.  Shelby keeps at this knowing she could be placing herself deep in danger.

I love the ability this author has of throwing Shelby into all sorts of trouble and watching Shelby weasel her way out of it.  And this book was no different then her other troubling situations.  This one was full of action, adventure, mystery and so much emotion it was literally a roller coaster ride!
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1 shout outs:

DRPC said...

This book is without doubt the best in the series thus far. Colleen knocked it out of the park with Deep in Death. Danger and potential death at every turn. Very complex characters, some seen in a new light for the first time. Emotions raw and heated to the boiling point between the characters. And what about Shelby? We knew she could read minds, but can she talk to the... nah! Wherever you start reading Shelby Nichols adventures, best not to miss this one!