Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Guest Post: Lily of The Valley by: Jim and Joyce Lavene

Lily of the Valley

The lily of the valley plant is tiny, delicate, and lovely, yet we chose to use it as a poison plant in our new novel, Lethal Lily. Despite its beauty, lily of the valley can be deadly.
May claims the right to be the home of this little flower. The plant signifies happiness, purity, and renewal. It is frequently used in bridal bouquets. The meaning in the language of flowers is “you complete me’. The plant has always been prized as a medicinal for heart problems. As in the case of most poisonous plants, what can make you healthy can also be lethal in the wrong doses.
Various parts of the world claim this pretty flower. It was first cultivated in 1420, and is the national flower for Finland. It is also seen in the Norwegian coat of arms. In France, it is traditional to give small bouquets of lily of the valley on May Day to wish loved ones good luck.
An ancient myth from England claims the lilies came from an epic battle between a saint and a dragon. Where the saint’s blood was spilled, lilies of the valley sprang up from the earth.
How toxic is the pretty lily of the valley?
It is extremely poisonous. The poison works on the heart and nervous system causing alterations in cardiac rhythm, and possible death. Blurry vision, diarrhea, vomiting, and disorientation can accompany lesser doses. 
The plant is widespread in the wild across much of the world, and is a popular garden plant – easy to grow and so sweet to the senses.  

You might have the plant growing in your yard right now! Definitely not something you want to eat!

16 shout outs:

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting us here today!

Unknown said...

Such a great cover! Can't wait to read the book :)

Melody said...

I am looking forward to reading your new book. I've missed Peggy. And it sounds like a winner.

Unknown said...

I truly can't wait for your new book! I have just started the Peggy Lee Garden Mystery series and I LOVE it!!

Gram said...

Wow. What a great prize. I love the reviews for these books. I am putting both on my t-b-r list.

Sue said...

I'm anxious to start reading this series.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this !

SandyG265 said...

We used to have Lily of the Valley growing in the flower bed when I was a kid. My Mother never liked it because it spread so much.

Unknown said...

I love the title ! This is a series I'm definately adding to my list of must reads !

EstherBelle said...

So looking forward to reading this, LOVE this series. Lily-of-the Valley always reminds me of my childhood, my mother had it in her garde. The of course, I start to hear music. "White coral bells, upon a slender stalk, Lily-of the Valley deck our garden walk..."

skkorman said...

I'm so looking forward to reading this book!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

Barbara T. said...

Miss the Lilies of the Valley we had in our yard in Indiana. Have so many other year around flowers in Southern California, including the poisonous Oleander that I cannot really complain.

Amy said...

Looking forward to reading the book!
Love your covers.

Salar37_Shushan said...

Thanks for coming by and sharing with everyone! Looking forward to trying this series too. I've loved all your others thus far :D

Denise said...

Thank you for the giveaway. We live in a house built in 1887 and the original garden has hundreds of lilies of the valley. I never knew they were poisonous.Love this series.

Unknown said...

Love all your mystery series! Keep writing please!