Saturday, June 25, 2011

Megan's Way Review

Description via Goodreads:

What would you give up for the people you love?

When Megan Taylor, a single mother and artist, receives the shocking news that her cancer has returned, she'll be faced with the most difficult decision she's ever had to make. She'll endure an emotional journey, questioning her own moral and ethical values, and the decisions she'd made long ago. The love she has for her daughter, Olivia, and her closest friends, will be stretched and frayed.

Meanwhile, fourteen-year-old Olivia's world is falling apart right before her eyes, and there's nothing she can do about it. She finds herself acting in ways she cannot even begin to understand. When her internal struggles turn to dangerous behavior, her life will hang in the balance.

Megan's closest friends are caught in a tangled web of deceit. Each must figure out how, and if, they can expose their secrets, or forever be haunted by their pasts.

My Review:

This book was given to me via the author for a honest and fair review, and part of her summer tour promoting the book which will be made into a movie. We open up learning something about Olivia and Megan. Megan is suffering from Cancer and knows her time is running out. She tries to deal with it best she can not always sure she is making the right choice. She starts out trying to distance herself from her daughter knowing that it would make it easier when she was no longer around. Olivia hates this idea, she was so close to her mother before the Cancer struck her why is her mother pushing her out now? Megan holds deep secrets that impact her friends and family, and keeps them hidden away until she is no longer around to answer the heated questions.

Oh my gosh what a great book, with everyone holding secrets of their own. Holly hiding a deep secret from both Megan and Jack. Jack and Megan with their secret from Holly. Megan with her own secret from everyone including her daughter until it was too late. Even Olivia has her own secret. I love how they each tried to honor Megan in their own way. Definitely a book I would recommend to anyone looking for a great in depth book of mother and daughter and close friends.
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