Dear Reader,My Review:
You don't know me yet, but in a few hours that's going to change. I'm inviting you to my town of Cedar Cove because I want you to meet my family, friends and neighbors. Come hear their stories--maybe even their secrets! My secrets are pretty open. My marriage failed years ago, and I have a rather...difficult relationship with my daughter.
Then there's my mother, Charlotte, who has plenty of opinions and is always willing to share them. I'm a family court judge and she likes to drop in on my courtroom. Recently I was hearing a divorce petition. In Charlotte's view, Cecilia and Ian Randall hadn't tried hard enough to make their marriage work--and I agreed.
I rendered my judgment: Divorce Denied. You wouldn't believe the reaction! Thanks to an article by Jack Griffin, the editor of our local paper (a man I wouldn't mind seeing more of!), everyone's talking. Cedar Cove--people love it and sometimes they leave it, but they never forget it!
Olivia Lockhart
This story follows the lives of Charlotte, Olivia Lockhart, Jack Griffin, Olivia's children, and a couple unsure of where they are at Cecilia and Ian Randall. Olivia decides that the couple have not tried to make their marriage work. Ian wants it to work and Cecilia just wants to be free from what happened to her daughter. Olivia also finds herself going closer to Jack Giffin a new editor in town. Charlotte finds herself feeling depressed when she paid little attention to a new Tom Harding an elderly man who grew a bond to Charlotte.
She learns after his death that he was a famous actor from when she was young. She takes the time to find out what to do with his things as he intrusted her with a key to his storage locker which carries all sorts of things associated with his past as an actor. Olivia's daughter Justine who lost her twin brother Jordan as a teenager has taken up with an older man Warren with whom they have no sexual relationship, and during preparing for a high school reunion and old friend comes back from the past Seth. Who admits he has been pining for her ever since they were kids.
Olivia's son James has recently learned his new wife is pregnant, and so there is joy taking place as they prepare for a baby. Olivia's hope is that her daughter will be with someone that will make her happy and that she truly loves.